

Leave your professional future in the hands of ChatGPT: Gen Z is doing it

When one is lost, any answer seems valid to us.

Leave your professional future in the hands of ChatGPT: Gen Z is doing it
Chema Carvajal Sarabia

Chema Carvajal Sarabia

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ChatGPT, as the culmination of the artificial intelligence fever, has started to become the professional advisor for millions of young people, who are so lost that they have started asking OpenAI’s chatbot about their future, seeking advice on key issues in their lives.


Employees born after 1997 claim to receive better professional advice from friends and family, Google, social media, and AI, than from their bosses or coworkers.

A counselor who lives on a server?

Almost half (47%) of respondents say they prefer to turn to ChatGPT because their bosses “don’t care about their professional development,” according to a report by INTOO and Workplace Intelligence.

Other common problems with bosses are that they are “more focused on their own career” and that they “don’t know how to help” in the development of their roles. 62% of the participants state that they would like to talk to their boss more often about their career, but that they are too busy.

These young people are seeking more support from companies, but they are asking for more than what learning and development teams currently offer. 80% of employees believe that companies should offer self-paced learning courses, while only 49% of companies take this into account.

Given that the expectations of available opportunities to help people advance in their careers are not being met, HR professionals predict that a quarter of employees will likely resign in the next six months due to lack of support for their careers. This figure rises to 44% when talking about Generation Z.

First it was psychologists, now counselors

Surely you remember that, a year ago, ChatGPT users started using the OpenAI chatbot as if it were a psychologist. This was dangerous, as dangerous as seeking professional advice.

From the United States, a country where healthcare is not at its best and specialists are really expensive, we received cases of young people who had started to receive treatment via ChatGPT. They shared their problems and sought a solution.


There were even videos on TikTok of young people sharing their experience and giving their tips for the AI to work as best as possible for specific requests and cases.

Now we see that what they are looking for is job guidance. This only shows that the problem is economic: people want help, but they can’t afford it, that’s why they turn to free sites… even if they can be dangerous.

Chema Carvajal Sarabia

Chema Carvajal Sarabia

Periodista especializado en tecnología, entretenimiento y videojuegos. Escribir sobre lo que me apasiona (cacharros, juegos y cine) me permite seguir cuerdo y despertarme con una sonrisa cuando suena el despertador. PD: esto no es cierto el 100 % de las veces.

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